Saturday, 15 February 2014


Photo-shoot looking at accessories adornment with a male model.
- decorated stereotypical male hats but with a feminine element.
- baseball hat with broaches and jewels
-tweed cap with black net veil
- Black fedora hat with safety pin edge.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Craft Class Observation. Book Covers

For details contact me by
Photo Credit: Kiran Unes

Christmas 2013 Craft Classes

Pictures from previous classes covering work on Christmas cards, house decorations and Russian dolls.


Craft Classes. Wednesday Fortnights. Chapelfields Coventry UK, CV5 8DR
All Abilities welcome!
For more details contact me by

Craft Workshops Begin! By Maria Coyne

An aim of mine, for many years, has been to set up my own craft class... and here we are!
Focusing on surface design my classes will aid you in creating a broad range of products from cushion covers, fabric book sleeves, to cards etc.
Interested in working with both beginners and  experienced crafters I aim to make this work shop a collaborative, exciting experience for all.
Set up in four sections the classes are held fortnightly on Wednesdays that will take us from January to August and you will journey through the first half of the years seasonal colours!
Projects and faces change- you can drop by to just one class.
Long term projects work t the same time as I am hoping to create an exhibition in the local community.

For further details contact me at