Destination: London College of Fashion
Date: 29-30/10/2013
Speaking in beautiful quotes.
Having had the privilege of attending this inspiring conference which focused on the issues of ageism in the media and fashion industries it allowed me to see, hear and meet some extraordinary people. The aim was to change the audiences perceptions and visions towards this area. But, specifically for me, it taught about the term 'life'- a particular area of interest of mine (though extraordinary broad) providing a new enthusiasm, vision, happiness.
Tuesday 29th introduced the conference with an interview from two bloggers who are presenting/ blogging an alternative vision towards ageing and fashion.
Ari Seth Cohen
Alyson Walsh
Focusing on the many benefits of having older models in advertising both Cohen and Walsh discussed that older generations are full of wisdom and knowledge and this should be celebrated both in the media and in society. Integration between generations is also important for development because younger people need older role models to look up to and learn from.
Everyday we grow older- it is a part of life and it is wrong for us not to accept that- but most importantly this development is a privilege.
We should celebrate life- not cling on to the youth of yesterday.

Cohen, from New York, photographs and blogs about the street style of the over 60s demographic. His work is very interesting as street style projects developed in relation to youth culture so it is a refreshing perspective snapping shots of the impeccably hip 60 - 105 "silver stylistas".
Over the years he has developed an archive of not just images but also stories, advice and inspiration which all support his work so well. It is clear he has genuine admiration and enthusiasm as he presents his view that style advances with age. 'There are such amazing older people here, so well-dressed, so vital'.
As well as working on his blog he has recently published a book on the same topic and is in the process of making a film; "a story about friendship, getting older but never giving up!"
The highlight of the entire event was having four ladies from Fabulous Fashionistas (Channel 4)
"We are old, we are bold"
talk enthusiastically about the positive influences fashion has on them; providing healing, creativity, imagination. It was clear that their creative outfits gives them confidence to go out and get things done.These women had many inspiring stories- a bank of knowledge- and an outcome of the conference was that older women/ men should be presented in fashion media as they can provide power, positivity, help. For society to grow I do believe that older and younger generations need to work together, integrate, as it will benefit all round. Break down the barriers of a system that has clearly not worked- without the wisdom from people who have done it before we will continue to make the same mistakes. The world will not grow with us. Therefore it is important for such large industries to take action- shift the current negative, frozen view. It is vital to remember that for things to grow we must help one another.
We are all somebody in the world. Somebody who deserves to be respected.
"Dress for the theatre of Life everyday."
Born Again Hipster!
Wednesday 30th was jam packed with lecturers starting with Dr. Margaret Morganroth Cullette who expressed that seeing is cultural and there are many influences in the representation of the photographers image. I found the quote
"what another person looks like to you is your responsibility"
Michael Lessac, director, Truth in Translation
to be very powerful as not just for photographers, who distort and alter what is seen in the view finder ,but also down to us as individuals to see with our own eyes and mind what we believe about an individual in terms of fashion style, age, and what we feel towards them.Curret pieces of work which has embraced aging includes:
Jeff Wall's fresh illusion
Annie Leitbovitz (1997)

Stephen Dwoskin "Age is..." (2012)
A film mediating the 'subjective experience and cultural concepts of aging'. This film partnered with a poem presents images of the woman emphaising her wrinkles with a blue pencil- embaracing the lines that map her story- make us who we are. 'The film is an ode to texture, beauty and singularity of aging faces and silhouettes'.
The two days were insightful and inspiring and I do hope that progress can be made for the new Consumer Majority- The Rainbow Youth! Integrated into making the fashion industry equal to all ages, needs and desires to 'make way for the radical granies, the hipster granddads'.